粵語講道庫, 廣東話证道集, 廣州話主日講道篇, 聖經講座 - Cantonese Sermons (中文讲道- 粵語 - Chinese Sermons in Cantonese, 聖經講道, 圣经讲道)

利未記系列 - 救贖的祭

他在YOUTUBE網頁的證道, 華人教會網絡 的證道, 他的臉書網頁(Facebook Page)
他的英語證道, 西班牙語證道, 普通話/國語證道
摩西五經: 創世紀 - 救贖的約, 出埃及記 - 救贖的主, 利未記 - 救贖的祭, 民數記 - 救贖的路, 申命記 - 救贖的 話,
歷史書: 約書亞記-我和我家必定事奉耶和華, 十二十師記系列 - 神的大能和憐憫, 路得記系列 - 黑暗中的救贖
智慧書: 箴言 - 智慧的話語, 雅歌 - 智慧的關係,
先知書: 但以理書 - 牆上的字, 耶利米哀歌 - 五步踏出憂鬱黑暗, 十二先知書 - 荒漠甘泉
四福音書: 馬太福音 - 王者之風, 馬可福音 - 亦主亦僕, 路加福音 - 天國比喻, 約翰福音 - 仁心仁蹟
教會歷史:使徒行傳- 成就我從主耶穌所領受的職事
保羅書信: 羅馬書, 監獄書信: 以弗所書 - 活出主內的豐盛和品格, 歌羅西書 - 豐盛的主
啟示錄 - 末世奧秘
天堂地獄系列 - 天地揭秘

創世紀是救贖的約, 出埃及記是救贖的主, 利未記是救贖的祭。 在創世紀我們看見人墮落, 出埃及記看見人被救贖,利未記看見人敬拜神。 利記是一本關於聖潔, 獻祭的書。很不幸利未記, 是一本使人覺得好遙遠的書。好似和我們完全扯不上關係。很多人認為, 利未記是給祭司的教導。對現代人來說是給牧師,傳道人的教導,或是神學院的老師,或學生, 長老,執事, 而不是給平信徒。中神的李思敬院長, 說利未記是一本使人敬而遠之的書。知道內容很重要,但敬而遠之。 利未記是一本給教會,給信徒, 和所有神子民讀的書。

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 序言 ( 1:1) - Introduction (Leviticus 1:1), preached on 4/3/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 聖潔的祭 ( 1-7 章) - The Holy Sacrifice (Leviticus Chapters 1 to 7), preached on 4/10/2016

    袁惠钧博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 奇異的火 ( 8-10 章) - Strange Fire (Leviticus Chapters 8 to 10), preached on 4/17/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 何罪之有 ( 11-15 章) - What Sin? (Leviticus Chapters 11 to 15), preached on 4/24/2016

    袁惠钧博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 除去罪孽 ( 16 章) - The Lamb that Takes Away Sin (Leviticus Chapters 16), preached on 5/1/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 生命在血 ( 17 章) - Life is in the Blood (Leviticus Chapters 17), preached on 5/15/2016

    袁惠钧博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 分別為聖 ( 18-20 章) - Thou Shall be Holy (Leviticus Chapters 18-20), preached on 5/29/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 聖職聖祭 ( 21-22 章) - Holy Duty, Holy Sacrifice(Leviticus Chapters 21-22), preached on 6/5/2016

    袁惠钧博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 聖節之謎 ( 23 章) - The Meaning of Jewish Holidays (Leviticus Chapter 23), preached on 6/12/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 聖幕內外 ( 24 章) - Inside and Outside of the Tabernacle (Leviticus Chapter 24), preached on 6/26/2016

    袁惠钧博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 安息禧年 ( 25 章) - Sabbath Year & Jubilee (Leviticus Chapter 25), preached on 7/10/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 禍福緣由 ( 26 章) - Blessing or Condemnation (Leviticus Chapter 26), preached on 7/17/2016

    袁惠钧博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  •       利未記系列-救贖的祭 - 贖回應許 ( 27 章) - Vow of Redemption (Leviticus Chapter 27), preached on 7/24/2016

    袁惠鈞博士, 證道於培城宣聖教會 - Dr. Sidney Yuan, preached at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107

  • 你可以在手機App 聽袁惠钧牧師,在粵語堂最新近的講道(一邊看他為你準備的筆記,一邊聽他講道):

    Back to Sermon Page
    His Sermons on YOUTUBE, on Church.com.hk, His Facebook Page
    His English Sermons, Spanish Sermons, Mandarin Sermons
    The Following are his Cantonese Sermons:
    The Pentateuch: Book of Genesis, Book of Exodus, Book of Leviticus, Book of Numbers, Book of Deuteronomy
    Historical Books: Book of Joshua, Book of Judges, Book of Ruth
    Wisdom Literature: Book of Proverbs Song of Songs
    Prophetic Books: Book of Daniel, Book of Lamentation, Twelve Prophets
    The Gospels: Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Parables in Gospel of Luke, Miracles in Gospel of John
    Paul's Epistles: Romans, Prison Epistles, Ephesians, Colossians
    Heaven & Hell Series
    Is the Bible Trustworthy Series
    Answers for Difficult Biblical Questions Series
    Rev. Yuan's Individual Sermons

    His Theology 他的神學觀
    cantonese sermon chinese sermon cantonese sermon chinese sermon cantonese sermon chinese sermon
    If you would like to invite Dr. Yuan to deliver a sermon or give a seminar at your church, please E-Mail him, or call him at (323) 920-9826

    Community Christian Alliance Church
    15950 Chatsworth St,
    Granada Hills, CA 91344